stories from the field

Love Never Fails

Where does a Muslim go for answers? Raised in an environment that actively discourages questioning of any kind, more and more are turning to the internet. As the Middle Eastern world goes through ongoing upheaval, our online Arabic website is inundated with inquiries. Live chat sessions and our chat rooms are also full of activity. Muslims are increasingly disillusioned with Islam. This year’s events throughout the world – the attack on Canada’s Parliament Hill in October, the hostage taking in Australia’s coffee shop, the beheadings of tourists in North Africa–are causing Muslims to reconsider what they have always believed to be the truth.

Our Arabic language social media sites continue to see a surge of activity every month. In November alone, the Facebook page had 28,261 new fans, and there
were 73,053 views of the content on our YouTube channel. More than 8,500 Arabic language Bibles and pieces of Christian literature were downloaded from the website in November. An encouraging article from Christian Aid talks of the growing demand for Bibles by refugees who are fleeing the violence of ISIS.1 This on-the-ground reality is clearly reflected by what we see happening online.

All comments on social media and the website are followed up by our responders who answer questions, lovingly engaging individuals in dialogue. Wherever possible, they eventually seek to connect them with a national believer in their own country who can help them to grow in the knowledge of His Word.

We would like to share with you some of the questions and comments we have received. May you be encouraged as you see that behind the dreadful headlines in the media, God is at work drawing Muslims to Himself.

I’m fed up with the misery we live under because of Islam. Female, Algeria

I have been thinking about the Christian religion for the past year. Does it offer true life? I feel I haven’t known life and I haven’t found anything in Islam. I wish I could live in a truly Christian society in order to understand what Christianity really is. Male, 26-35, Morocco

Good evening. I have a question which I don’t know how to answer. I’ve been reading the Bible for a few years now and have believed that the Lord Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. I haven’t told anyone about this. I am weary of not making it known that I am a Christian. I don’t know how to handle this. Please help me. With my warmest greetings. Male, 36-45, Egypt

I have a friend from a Muslim background who has become a believer. He is very afraid. What should he do? Male, Egypt

Please tell me how I can get some genuine information about Christ. I want to know. I love Christ and I feel that he is there wherever I go. I feel that he is calling me. I don’t know how to explain it. Please help me. Male, Egypt

Could you send me the basic information which a Christian should know about their religion? Female, Gulf

We wish to express our gratitude to those who responded to the ‘Love Never Fails’ initiative. Your support helps Arab World Media respond
to questions online and engage in spiritual conversations and online discipleship. This initiative continues to need support so that those in the Arab world can receive living water. If you would like to give to this effort, please call us at 866-268-8778 or donate online at


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