PALM: Preparing Arab Leaders for Ministry

Groundbreaking discipleship training in the Arab world!

PALM (Preparing Arab-world Leaders for Ministry) addresses the need of Arab world believers for discipleship and leadership development in three ways:

1. By hosting trainings programs in the closed countries of the Arab world, we strengthen the faith of local believers without removing them from their most strategic place of ministry—their homeland.

2. Lessons are taught in a reproducible manner, equipping believers to lead others to faith and maturity.

3. PALM’s materials are tailored specifically to Muslim-background believers and the challenges they confront in their journey of faith.

Recently, as we were training some Arab Christians who are ministering to Saudi believers, they told us, “For years, we have looked for a program like this. This is precisely what we need.”

Across the Arab World, PALM partners with people who are living out the gospel at deep personal cost. In August 2011, two colleagues with a partner mission received threats upon their lives. They moved their families to safety but delayed departure for a last meeting with local believers. One of the two was slain before that meeting could occur. But his sacrifice was not in vain. At his funeral, his father and fourteen others came to faith in Christ, and his widow steadfastly continues to serve in the same area.

Without discipleship, the hard-won fruits of such sacrifice are often quickly eroded. Discipleship and leadership training are vital tools in multiplying the investment they have made.