Every prayer makes a difference.


Yemen Relief 

Lord, thank you for your love for the Yemeni people. Renew their hope, give them a future, bring your provision and love through the gracious gifts of your children. Please provide for the 2 relief projects; one project provides food, water and cooking supplies for Yemeni families, the second is an education fund that allows children to attend school. May these projects draw the people of Yemen into your arms Lord. We pray for an overwhelming compassionate response to give.



Hope for Beirut 

Lord, please work in the hearts of the people to give generously to a city and its' people who have experienced great devastation. Use your people to help rebuild hope, homes, families, and lives. Please bless the leaders of Beirut with wisdom and grace. May your love abound through the serving hearts of believers reaching out and helping their neighbours and workers on the ground. Jesus, shine your light in Beirut. 




Food Relief for India- COVID-19:

Lord, you are a God of compassion, provision, and love. We ask that you would provide the food and water that the men, women, and children of India so desperately need. We pray that many would take this great opportunity to give financially. We pray for the teams distributing food to the most vulnerable in India. Pray that many would come to know you as their Lord and Saviour. 




Arab World Media

Lord Jesus we praise you for the amazing ministry you are doing among the Muslims in the Arab World! We pray that you would give the AWM team wisdom, workers, finances, and creativity as they use digital media to present your truth to many Muslims. Reach those who are seeking, open and ready to know you Lord. Bring support and connection to other believers near to those who are isolated. 



Join us in praying that...

  • Those who are in desperate situations will find their provision and hope in Christ. Instead of despair they would see a future in Jesus.
  • Basic needs for food, water, shelter, education and medical care would be provided for.
  • People would be moved to take the opportunity to give generously, so that there would be enough raised to make a difference in the many desperate lives that are affected.
  • Families and children who are grieving the loss of loved ones and experiencing compounded trauma would know physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional healing.
  • Those serving, and those being served, are protected against spiritual warfare.
  • Nothing would hinder the provisions getting to the people in need.
  • Our Pioneers teams would experience favour and good communication with the government and local leaders in these areas.
  • As we reach out in Christ's love and provision it will open up doors and hearts to share about the One who gives provision and hope, Jesus.
  • Believers would experience the great joy in giving and this would prompt others to give also.
  • Both local and international believers work together with postures of humility and mutuality, so that as they serve in the projects listed above their witness would draw people to Jesus and many would find salvation in Him.