We pray because God invites each of us to join him in a deep relationship through prayer.  

Prayer is foundational to everything we do at Pioneers. In the book of Matthew when Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray (Matthew 6) he clearly assumes we will be praying as he uses the words when you pray. Over and over, we see how Jesus showed us what a relationship of prayer looks like as he consistently and intentionally prayed to his Father. "During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears..." Hebrews 5:7


We pray because God's heart is for the unreached.

We see God's heart for the unreached through Paul's prayer, "Brothers and sisters, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved" (Romans 10:1).  Jesus tells us to pray for workers to go and share the gospel to all the nations in Matthew 9:38b, "Ask the Lord of the harvest therefore, to send out workers into his harvest fields." How wonderful that in talking with Jesus we can be a part of sharing His heart with the world. 


Join us in prayer.

We are so thankful for a team of faithful and intentional men and women who pray. We invite you to receive our monthly prayer calendar which highlights the needs of our workers, brothers and sisters in Christ, and unreached people groups around the globe. You will also hear of the amazing ways God has answered your prayers.  Become a valuable team member, joining teams all over the world through prayer, and have an eternal impact. 

Let's pray together for the Gospel to reach all people, everywhere. 



Reach out in prayer today and impact the nations