You can transform whole communities 

Special project opportunities open doors for Christ's name to be proclaimed. You can invest in His Kingdom by supporting projects led by Pioneers workers serving among the least reached.

Contact Us to discuss opportunities to give to other incredible projects around the world.

Going to the Least Reached

Your gift encourages and supports Christians committed to going into the most difficult and resistant populations of the world. 


A Mother's Heart

Your gift can provide for vulnerable mothers who come to the church-run clinic with life-saving pre-natal and post-natal care.


Turkey Earthquake Relief

Your gift helps us bring essential, life-giving assistance to families in desperate need.


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Your gift helps establish an Enabled program in another community. For the first time children, women and men with disabilities feel loved and valued.



East Europe Humanitarian Relief

You can help our teams in Eastern Europe as they partner with local believers and respond with immediate assistance to those attempting to rebuild their lives—both with physical relief and spiritual encouragement.


Food Relief for Yemen -

 Your gift today provides the food and hygiene essentials a child and their family desperately needs.


Food Relief for India -

 Join us in providing food to thousands of food-insecure men, women and children in Northern India.


Support Another Project

Pioneers team lead projects present unique opportunities for you to invest in sharing the Gospel with communities around the globe.


Media To Movements

We’re partnering with church-planters using media to reach spiritual seekers. Over 2,700 people have come to faith, and 178 new discipleship groups have formed. Help us raise $1,000,000 to continue this mission.

Arab World Media

We have an incredible opportunity to reach Muslims with the Gospel online. Arab World Media uses media strategies to engage with Muslims who are searching to know more about Jesus.



PALM (Preparing Arab-world Leaders for Ministry) PALM provides discipleship and leadership development for Arab Christians. “For years, we have looked for a program like this,” they told us. “This is precisely what we need.”

Yemen Education

Yemen has long been one of the poorest countries of the Arab world, and this has been hugely exacerbated by civil war. $80 sends a child to school for 6 months, or you can provide a full year of schooling for just $160. Your gift also helps repair the school buildings, many of which have been badly damaged by war.

In Canada ESL

God is bringing the Nations to us! 

Through supporting our ESL centre- both Newcomer students here in Canada and refugees who are still on their way - you not only have a chance to help them thrive in their new “home" but also have the Hope of Jesus shared with them.

Little Red Radios

God is using hand-held radios to spread the news of His love among the Quechua people. Teams in Bolivia are sharing the Gospel through Little Red Radios preloaded with the entire Bible in the Quechua language. Your gift of $17 can place a Bible-radio in the hands of a seeker, or a new believer. A gift of $170 would supply 10 radios.

Hope for Beirut

On August 4th, 2020, a massive explosion devastated the port district of Beirut, Lebanon. Help us feed the hungry, care for the sick and restore homes.

Other Projects

Our workers are being the hands and feet of Jesus as they share the Good News and help to meet the practical needs of people in their communities.

Click below to choose from other projects that you can partner with.